Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to the shelves

I'm excited to write this, my first blog post! I've been inspired by reading the book blogs of others and longing to participate. However, being nearly computer illiterate, I was not at all sure creating a blog would be as easy as the directions promised. We'll see...

Right now I'm reading :

  • Crazy School by Cornelia Read
  • Throw like a Girl by Jean Thompson
  • Bleak House by Charles Dickens
  • Books by Larry McMurtry
  • Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieries (book club selection)

I usually read several books at one time and pick them up according to my mood. I'm having the hardest time with Corelli's Mandolin. I just can't seem to connect with it. If anyone out there has read this and enjoyed it, please give me hope!

I hope to figure out how to add a blogroll and my list of books read in 2008. Please check back to monitor my stumbling progress into blog land.

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