Saturday, October 24, 2009

R.A.T. Hour 8

Well. I just figured out that I somehow signed up for the post about what is in your Read-a-Thon stack and not the actual Read-a-Thon. Brilliant. That seems to fit the way things are going this year. I ended up with the 8 yr. old niece as well as the toddler today. Not a lot of reading going on here.

So far, I've managed to read 6 pages of Evermore, about 20 pages of Mort and 20 pages of Her Fearful Symmetry which I was unable to leave at home this morning. What I have done instead:

1. Played with Polly Pocket dolls
2. Chased a toddler for 10 minutes so I could change his diaper
3. Made lunch for the children (mac and cheese)
4. Located Midnight the hamster after he was given his freedom by the toddler
5. Banned all Kids Bop CD's for the day

I hope everyone else is enjoying the uninterrupted reading. Next year I am going to a motel!


Anonymous said...

Hope you can squeeze some more reading in!

Amanda said...

Better late than never! I really enjoyed Evermore.

Vasilly said...

Awww! I'm glad you're joining us! Hopefully you can get more reading in. I had my kids make tents and watch movies so I could read. Good luck!

Eva said...

I'm popping by again to offer some more cheering! Give me an R! Give me an E! Give me an A! Give me a D! What does that spell?! Read! Read! Read!

I'm so sorry that you weren't on reader's list from the beginning. :/

Bybee said...

I remember one Readathon -- two moms went together on a hotel room so they could read and blog.

You're here and that's all that matters. Enjoy!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

You're well over halfway now. Hopefully you an keep going ! Have fun!

Belle Wong said...

You're doing great so far - hope you've been able to read some more!

soleil said...

my niece was over today visiting the in-laws and it was definitely distracting for a while!

ccqdesigns said...

Now that it's past midnight and our eyes are drooping lower, it's time for us night owls to get our second wind! So here is a big HOOT from Alabama. Keep on Reading!!!! Just a few more hours to go!!!!

Go Reading,Go Reading,Go Reading!!!
the Transcendentalists team!

Louise said...

Are you still around? Or sleeping and resting? No matter what, you've done great so far. Ready for the last stretch?! Come on. GO GO GO. Cheering for you from Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lightheaded said...

I hope you had fun with the Read-a-Thon!

leslie said...

Thanks everybody for cheering me on! I managed to read another 46 pages of Her Fearful Symmetry, which is so good it actually slowed me down so I could enjoy it properly. Then in rapid sucession, the baby threw up all over his bed, the niece dropped an open can of soda on the kitchen floor and the bulldog found my nephew's stash of bubble gum! I cleaned it all up, raised the white flag and went to bed. In April I am going to a motel... one with room service and maybe a pool